Evaluation of prognostic factors and treatment in advanced small bowel adenocarcinoma: Report of a multi-institutional experience of Anatolian Society of Medical Oncology (ASMO)

  • Aydin D.
  • Sendur M.A.
  • Kefeli U.
  • Unal O.U.
  • Tastekin D.
  • Akyol M.
  • Tanrikulu E.
Publication date
January 2016
Zerbinis Publications


Purpose: Small bowel adenocarcinoma (SBA) is a rare tumor of the gastrointestinal system with poor prognosis. Since these are rarely encountered tumors, there are limited numbers of studies investigating systemic treatment in advanced SBA. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the prognostic factors and systemic treatments in patients with advance SBA. Methods; Seventy-one patients from 18 Centers with advanced SBA were included in the study. Fifty-six patients received one of the four different chemotherapy regimens as first-line therapy and 15 patients were treated with best supportive care (BSC). Results: Of the 71 patients, 42 (59%) were male and 29 (41%) female with a median age of 56 years. Median follow-up duration was 14.3 month...

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