The establishment of a corpus of the festive series struck by the north Italian mint of Ticinum during the reigns of Carus, Carinus and Numerian (aurei, gold quinarii and multiples ; bronze medallions, denarii and quinarii) along with the reexamination of the common issues of aureliani, allows a new insight into the chronology and history of the period AD 282-285, especially for the imperial campaigns, from Carus’ proclamation in Raetia-Noricum to Carinus’ death after his victory on his rival Diocletian at the river Margus.L’établissement du corpus des séries festives des règnes des empereurs Carus, Carin et Numérien frappées par l’atelier nord-italien de Ticinum (aurei, quinaires et multiples d’or ; médaillons, deniers et quinaires de bron...