Synthesis of Electrocatalytic [2Fe-2S]-Metallopolymers and Organic/Inorganic Hybrid Materials

  • Karayilan, Metin
  • Karayilan, Metin
Publication date
January 2019
The University of Arizona.


This dissertation is composed of five chapters, detailing advances within the area of synthesis, characterization, and electrochemical analysis of polymer-supported [FeFe]-hydrogenase enzyme’s active site mimics, highlights the releavance of the work to the fields of polymer science, electrochemistry, and energy storage that are enabled through the development of novel [2Fe-2S] complexes and metallopolymers as discussed in the following chapters. The first chapter is a review summarizing the development of novel polymer-supported [2Fe-2S] catalyst systems and briefly highlighting non-polymeric supports for electrocatalytic and photocatalytic hydrogen evolution reactions. [FeFe]-hydrogenases are the best known naturally occurring metalloenzy...

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