Along with the development of the times, information technology is very helpful in conducting transactions using BI-RTGS. The need for clearing is increasing. The clearing operation carried out by Bank Indonesia makes it easy to calculate interbank debt and save energy, time and costs. The purpose of clearing is to advance and facilitate payment of demand deposits, with easy, safe and efficient implementation, it is necessary to understand how the calculation of interbank notes, calculation of scripts in the clearing area
ABSTRAK Pertumbuhan kredit usaha mikro kecil menengah (UMKM) cukup menggembirakan. Data Bank Indon...
PT Bank Negara Indonesia is one of the oldest banks in the history of the republic of Indonesia whic...
In this era of globalization banking world is a service industry that is very important in supportin...
Dewasa ini, saat semua sektor kehidupan masyarakat berkembang dengan pesat karena teknologi informa...
Sistem BI-RTGS merupakan sistem pembayaran elektronik atau transfer dana dalam jumlah besar yang dil...
Penulis melakukan kerja praktik pada PT. Bank Aceh Syari’ah Cabang Banda Aceh yang beralamat di Jln....
Kualifikasi kegagalan pembayaran dalam kegiatan transfer dana antar bank melalui sistem BI-RTGS, mel...
The research objective is to carry out interbank transactions through the semi-automation clearing p...
Kliring adalah proses penyelesaian hutang piutang antarbank maupun nasabahnya yang dilaksanakan ole...
This research is entitled "Comparison of Effectiveness in the Payment System of the National Clearin...
This research aims to see the existence and development of BMT in Indonesia, BMT’s potencial in exis...
Ways settlement of debts relating to the bank will require a huge cost, power is less effective and ...
The times and the current technology more rapidly and thoroughly as a challenge for developing count...
PT. Bank SulutGo Headquarters is located at Jl. Sam Ratulangi no.9, north wenang, wenang, Manado Cit...
A payment system is a set of contractual arrangements, operating facilities and technical mechanism ...
ABSTRAK Pertumbuhan kredit usaha mikro kecil menengah (UMKM) cukup menggembirakan. Data Bank Indon...
PT Bank Negara Indonesia is one of the oldest banks in the history of the republic of Indonesia whic...
In this era of globalization banking world is a service industry that is very important in supportin...
Dewasa ini, saat semua sektor kehidupan masyarakat berkembang dengan pesat karena teknologi informa...
Sistem BI-RTGS merupakan sistem pembayaran elektronik atau transfer dana dalam jumlah besar yang dil...
Penulis melakukan kerja praktik pada PT. Bank Aceh Syari’ah Cabang Banda Aceh yang beralamat di Jln....
Kualifikasi kegagalan pembayaran dalam kegiatan transfer dana antar bank melalui sistem BI-RTGS, mel...
The research objective is to carry out interbank transactions through the semi-automation clearing p...
Kliring adalah proses penyelesaian hutang piutang antarbank maupun nasabahnya yang dilaksanakan ole...
This research is entitled "Comparison of Effectiveness in the Payment System of the National Clearin...
This research aims to see the existence and development of BMT in Indonesia, BMT’s potencial in exis...
Ways settlement of debts relating to the bank will require a huge cost, power is less effective and ...
The times and the current technology more rapidly and thoroughly as a challenge for developing count...
PT. Bank SulutGo Headquarters is located at Jl. Sam Ratulangi no.9, north wenang, wenang, Manado Cit...
A payment system is a set of contractual arrangements, operating facilities and technical mechanism ...
ABSTRAK Pertumbuhan kredit usaha mikro kecil menengah (UMKM) cukup menggembirakan. Data Bank Indon...
PT Bank Negara Indonesia is one of the oldest banks in the history of the republic of Indonesia whic...
In this era of globalization banking world is a service industry that is very important in supportin...