Data are given about the exams and tests as a common practice for many schools and colleges. Modern systems of education in Europe are described in short. Attempts are made to analyze advantages and disadvantages of objective and essay tests not only in the traditional system of education but also in the world of aviationВ статті подано інформацію про різні види екзаменів та тестів в сучасній європейській освіті. Наводяться переваги та недоліки усних і письмових видів екзаменів та тестів як в традиційній освіті, так і під час навчання майбутніх спеціалістів авіаційної галузіСтатья представляет информацию о различных видах экзаменов и тестов в системе европейского образования. Также представлены преимущества и недостатки усных и письменных в...
Considered are reasons of the wide spread of the plagiarism in students, as well as advantages and d...
Analysis of the problem shows that in the developed countries, it is required additional substantiat...
The article is devoted to the problem of the mass school teachers theoretical readiness for work in ...
Data are given about the exams and tests as a common practice for many schools and colleges. Modern ...
Since early 1990s, Kazakhstan reforms the higher education. The main direction of the reform are sim...
Distance education as a form of education spoiled the beginning in the 20th century and gained wide ...
В статье рассматривается одна из наиболее актуальных проблем современного высшего образова...
Trends and alternative ways in the preparation of teachers in the USA are aimed at meeting individua...
Schools, private colleges and universities around the world have gained such popularity among those ...
The author analyses the main trends of the development of our system of education. Great attention i...
The paper submits a theoretical analysis of approaches to studying the process of students’ adaptati...
In the article creating and maintaining an effective educational system defined as one of the most i...
A comparison of education systems in the USA, Western Europe, China, and modern Russia, shows that u...
The paper analyzes the incentives faced by universities to provide high quality education services a...
In the given article aspects of communications of the requirements for teachers in teaching the deve...
Considered are reasons of the wide spread of the plagiarism in students, as well as advantages and d...
Analysis of the problem shows that in the developed countries, it is required additional substantiat...
The article is devoted to the problem of the mass school teachers theoretical readiness for work in ...
Data are given about the exams and tests as a common practice for many schools and colleges. Modern ...
Since early 1990s, Kazakhstan reforms the higher education. The main direction of the reform are sim...
Distance education as a form of education spoiled the beginning in the 20th century and gained wide ...
В статье рассматривается одна из наиболее актуальных проблем современного высшего образова...
Trends and alternative ways in the preparation of teachers in the USA are aimed at meeting individua...
Schools, private colleges and universities around the world have gained such popularity among those ...
The author analyses the main trends of the development of our system of education. Great attention i...
The paper submits a theoretical analysis of approaches to studying the process of students’ adaptati...
In the article creating and maintaining an effective educational system defined as one of the most i...
A comparison of education systems in the USA, Western Europe, China, and modern Russia, shows that u...
The paper analyzes the incentives faced by universities to provide high quality education services a...
In the given article aspects of communications of the requirements for teachers in teaching the deve...
Considered are reasons of the wide spread of the plagiarism in students, as well as advantages and d...
Analysis of the problem shows that in the developed countries, it is required additional substantiat...
The article is devoted to the problem of the mass school teachers theoretical readiness for work in ...