In this work, we are interested in scheduling and checkpointing stochastic jobs ona reservation-based platform. We assume that jobs can be interrupted at any time to take acheckpoint, and that job execution times follow a known probability distribution. The user has todetermine a sequence of fixed-length reservation requests, and to decide whether to checkpoint thestate of the execution, or not, at the end of each request. The execution of the job is successful onlywhen it terminates within a request, otherwise it must be resubmitted, using the next request in thereservation sequence, and restarting execution from the last checkpointed state. The cost of eachreservation depends on both its duration and on the actual utilization of the plat...
We study scheduling of jobs on a highly utilized resource when the processing durations are stochast...
This paper discusses scheduling strategies for the problem of maximizing theexpected number of tasks...
We show a methodology for the computation of the probability of deadline miss for a periodic real-ti...
In this work, we are interested in scheduling and checkpointing stochastic jobs ona reservation-base...
International audienceIn this paper, we are interested in scheduling and checkpointing stochastic jo...
In this paper, we are interested in scheduling stochastic jobs on a reservation-based platform. Spec...
International audienceIn this paper, we are interested in scheduling stochastic jobs on a reservatio...
Due to the increasing number of nodes in supercomputers, scientific applications are frequently inte...
This work introduces scheduling strategies to maximize the expected numberof independent tasks that ...
Since the last decade, computing systems turn to large scale parallel platforms composed of thousand...
The parallel computing platforms available today are increasingly larger. Typically the emerging par...
This work provides an optimal checkpointing strategy to protect iterative applications from fail-sto...
This paper studies checkpointing strategies for parallel jobs subject to fail-stop errors. The optim...
International audienceThis paper discusses scheduling strategies for the problem of maximizing the e...
An unmistakable trend in embedded systems is the growth of soft real-time computing. A soft real-ti...
We study scheduling of jobs on a highly utilized resource when the processing durations are stochast...
This paper discusses scheduling strategies for the problem of maximizing theexpected number of tasks...
We show a methodology for the computation of the probability of deadline miss for a periodic real-ti...
In this work, we are interested in scheduling and checkpointing stochastic jobs ona reservation-base...
International audienceIn this paper, we are interested in scheduling and checkpointing stochastic jo...
In this paper, we are interested in scheduling stochastic jobs on a reservation-based platform. Spec...
International audienceIn this paper, we are interested in scheduling stochastic jobs on a reservatio...
Due to the increasing number of nodes in supercomputers, scientific applications are frequently inte...
This work introduces scheduling strategies to maximize the expected numberof independent tasks that ...
Since the last decade, computing systems turn to large scale parallel platforms composed of thousand...
The parallel computing platforms available today are increasingly larger. Typically the emerging par...
This work provides an optimal checkpointing strategy to protect iterative applications from fail-sto...
This paper studies checkpointing strategies for parallel jobs subject to fail-stop errors. The optim...
International audienceThis paper discusses scheduling strategies for the problem of maximizing the e...
An unmistakable trend in embedded systems is the growth of soft real-time computing. A soft real-ti...
We study scheduling of jobs on a highly utilized resource when the processing durations are stochast...
This paper discusses scheduling strategies for the problem of maximizing theexpected number of tasks...
We show a methodology for the computation of the probability of deadline miss for a periodic real-ti...