00939369517939622002PDFTech ReportSWUTC/02/473700-00067-1DTRS-G-0006Air pollutionBenefitsBorder regionsCostsEconomic impactsEmploymentEnvironmental impactsInternational bordersNoisePoliticsPricesTradeTraffic congestionTraffic crashesTruck trafficTruckingTrucking safetyEconomicsEnvironmentFinanceFreight TransportationHighwaysMotor CarriersOperations and Traffic ManagementSafety and Human FactorsSecurity and EmergenciesVehicles and EquipmentI73: Traffic ControlI90: VehiclesUnited StatesTexasMexicoUniversity of Texas at Austin. Center for Transportation ResearchJamieson Jr., Jerry L.Harrison, RobertUniversity of Texas at Austin. Center for Transportation ResearchSouthwest Region University Transportation Center (U.S.)US Transportation Collecti...
2002PDFTech ReportTX-01/50-1XXA30387-50-1XXA3038Border regionsInternational bordersPorts of entryCoo...
2010PDFTech ReportInternational bordersInternational tradePorts of entryImportsStatisticsIntermodal ...
This article presents the economic implications of the costs and times of crossing the border betwee...
Federal Highway Administration2018PDFBriefFederal Highway Administration (U.S.)Federal Highway Admin...
795479PDFResearch PaperReport No: GAO/NSIAD-00-25United States. General Accounting OfficeUnited Stat...
010523172007Research ReportPDFTech ReportSWUTC/07/167555-110727Axle loadsEconomic developmentInfrast...
720309PDFResearch PaperGAO/RCED-96-61Motor carriersTrucking safetyHighway safetyRegulationsInternati...
Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) border safety inspection facilities (BSIF) have been in oper...
U.S.-Mexico trade continues to grow, much of it crossing into Texas, where bridges over the Rio Gran...
The objective of this report is to summarize commercial border transportation crossing studies and i...
Supported by general revenues from the State of Texas. As the biggest asset in the transportation in...
Federal Highway Administration2018PDFBriefFederal Highway Administration (U.S.)Federal Highway Admin...
Federal Highway Administration2018PDFBriefFederal Highway Administration (U.S.)Federal Highway Admin...
In the 21st century Texas economy, the border will be recognized as the state’s greatest geographica...
Although the charter of the North American Free Trade Agreement established a schedule that would ha...
2002PDFTech ReportTX-01/50-1XXA30387-50-1XXA3038Border regionsInternational bordersPorts of entryCoo...
2010PDFTech ReportInternational bordersInternational tradePorts of entryImportsStatisticsIntermodal ...
This article presents the economic implications of the costs and times of crossing the border betwee...
Federal Highway Administration2018PDFBriefFederal Highway Administration (U.S.)Federal Highway Admin...
795479PDFResearch PaperReport No: GAO/NSIAD-00-25United States. General Accounting OfficeUnited Stat...
010523172007Research ReportPDFTech ReportSWUTC/07/167555-110727Axle loadsEconomic developmentInfrast...
720309PDFResearch PaperGAO/RCED-96-61Motor carriersTrucking safetyHighway safetyRegulationsInternati...
Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) border safety inspection facilities (BSIF) have been in oper...
U.S.-Mexico trade continues to grow, much of it crossing into Texas, where bridges over the Rio Gran...
The objective of this report is to summarize commercial border transportation crossing studies and i...
Supported by general revenues from the State of Texas. As the biggest asset in the transportation in...
Federal Highway Administration2018PDFBriefFederal Highway Administration (U.S.)Federal Highway Admin...
Federal Highway Administration2018PDFBriefFederal Highway Administration (U.S.)Federal Highway Admin...
In the 21st century Texas economy, the border will be recognized as the state’s greatest geographica...
Although the charter of the North American Free Trade Agreement established a schedule that would ha...
2002PDFTech ReportTX-01/50-1XXA30387-50-1XXA3038Border regionsInternational bordersPorts of entryCoo...
2010PDFTech ReportInternational bordersInternational tradePorts of entryImportsStatisticsIntermodal ...
This article presents the economic implications of the costs and times of crossing the border betwee...