PDFTech ReportUT-15.022513570Concrete curingConcrete bridgesBridge decksFine aggregatesMoisture contentCrackingCompressive strengthPermeabilityModulus of elasticityField testsLaboratory testsUtahUtah. Dept. of TransportationGuthrie, W. SpencerYaede, Joseph M.Bitnoff, Amanda C.Brigham Young University. Dept. of Civil and Environmental EngineeringUnited States. Federal Highway AdministrationUS Transportation CollectionThe objectives of this research were to 1) monitor in-situ moisture and diffusivity for both conventional concreteand concrete containing pre-wetted lightweight fine aggregate (LWFA), 2) compare deck performance in terms ofearly-age cracking, compressive strength, and chloride ingress, and 3) compare concrete properties in terms...