2010Roemer M. AlfelorPDFBriefFHWA-JPO-09-036B;EDL 14524Road weather information systemsWeatherTraffic forecastingRoad weather informationBaselining road weather informationQuality attribute matrixUnited StatesUnited States. Federal Highway AdministrationUnited States. Dept. of Transportation. Road Weather ManagementUnited States. Dept. of Transportation. Office of Transportation ManagementNTL-OPERATIONS AND TRAFFIC CONTROLS-OPERATIONS AND TRAFFIC CONTROLSIntelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office;Federal Highway AdministrationThe 2005 Safe, Accountable, Flexible and Efficient Transportation Equity Act \u2013 A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) established a Road Weather Research and Development Program under the Intelligent Transpo...