PDFBriefBDK77-977-22Access control (Transportation)RoundaboutsTraffic safetyEvaluationMultimodal transportationLiterature reviewsHighway capacityIntersectionsDrivewaysStopping sight distanceSpacingMediansSoftwarePedestrian safetyFloridaFlorida. Dept. of TransportationSteiner, RuthUniversity of FloridaUS Transportation CollectionRoundabouts, once rare in the U.S., arebeing installed more often to address accessmanagement and safety concerns. Accessmanagement is how planners look at means ofentering and exiting a roadway, for example, howto place features such as intersections, driveways,and medians, in order to ensure safe and efficientoperation of the roadway. Roundabouts offerplanners new options, but existing researchprovides little guida...