2010PDFTech ReportFHWA-HEP-10-028Transportation planningQuality of lifeLand useMultimodal transportationCase studiesSustainable developmentHandbooksUrban areasSuburbsRural areasUnited StatesUnited States. Federal Highway AdministrationUnited States. Federal Transit AdministrationRue, HarrisonMcNally, LisaRooney, KathleenSantalucia, PepperRaulerson, MaryLim-Yap, JaneMann, JoelBurden, DanICF International (Firm)Federal Highway AdministrationThe Livability in Transportation Guidebook\u2019sprimary purpose is to illustrate how livability principles have been incorporated into transportationplanning, programming, and project design, usingexamples from State, regional, and local sponsors.It is intended to be useful to a diverse audience oftranspo...