011394481996PDFTech ReportFHWA-PD-96-037PavementsTransportation policyDrainageFlexible pavementsGuidelinesPavement management systemsConstructionDesignHighwaysMaintenance and PreservationPavementsI22: Design of PavementsRailways and GuidewaysI52: Construction of Pavements and SurfacingsI60: MaintenanceUnited StatesUnited States. Federal Highway Administration. Pavement DivisionUnited States. Federal Highway Administration. Pavement DivisionFederal Highway AdministrationThis notebook serves as a compilation of Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) policy and guidance on pavement issues. This 2nd revision includes revisions to the following chapters: (1) Pavement Policy; (2) Pavement Issues; (3) Rigid Pavement; (4) Flexible Pavement; (5) Pave...