ReportGuidewaysBus transitLight rail transitSubwaysGovernment fundingFederal assistance programsGrant aidAppropriationsTables (Data)Public transitBudget proposalsTransit funding levelsTransit new startsReport to CongressUnited StatesUnited States. Federal Transit AdministrationUnited States. Federal Transit AdministrationUnited States. Department of TransportationNTL-PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION-PUBLIC TRANSPORTATIONNTL-PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION-Bus TransportationNTL-PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION-Rail TransitNTL-ECONOMICS AND FINANCE-FundingNTL-ECONOMICS AND FINANCE-Transit Economics and FinanceNTL-REFERENCES AND DIRECTORIES-REFERENCES AND DIRECTORIESFederal Transit AdministrationThis is the annual report ...
Testimony issued by the General Accounting Office with an abstract that begins "The Federal Transpor...
The Federal Transit Administration\u27s (FTA) discretionary New Starts program is the federal govern...
A letter report issued by the Government Accountability Office with an abstract that begins "Local f... ReportGovernment fundingConstructionFederal go...
Federal Transit Administration ReportUnited States. Depar... ReportGovernment fundingConstructionFederal go... ReportGovernment fundingConstructionFederal go...
2002PDFTech ReportFTA-TBP10-2002-01Public transitRapid transitResearch projectsRail transitAllocatio... ReportGovernment fundingConstructionFederal go...
007706601999PDFResearch PaperReport No: GAO/RCED-99-240Public transitCapital expendituresGovernment ...
792208PDFResearch PaperGAO/RCED-00-149Public transitUrban areasFinancingGrant aidRailroad commuter s...
US Transportation Collection2006PDFTech ReportUnited States. Department of Transportation. Federal T...
2001Annual ReportPDFTech ReportFTA-TBP10-01-01Public transitRapid transitResearch projectsRail trans...
A letter report issued by the General Accounting Office with an abstract that begins "Since the earl...
Since the early 1970s, the federal government has provided a large share of the nation?s capital inv...
Testimony issued by the General Accounting Office with an abstract that begins "The Federal Transpor...
The Federal Transit Administration\u27s (FTA) discretionary New Starts program is the federal govern...
A letter report issued by the Government Accountability Office with an abstract that begins "Local f... ReportGovernment fundingConstructionFederal go...
Federal Transit Administration ReportUnited States. Depar... ReportGovernment fundingConstructionFederal go... ReportGovernment fundingConstructionFederal go...
2002PDFTech ReportFTA-TBP10-2002-01Public transitRapid transitResearch projectsRail transitAllocatio... ReportGovernment fundingConstructionFederal go...
007706601999PDFResearch PaperReport No: GAO/RCED-99-240Public transitCapital expendituresGovernment ...
792208PDFResearch PaperGAO/RCED-00-149Public transitUrban areasFinancingGrant aidRailroad commuter s...
US Transportation Collection2006PDFTech ReportUnited States. Department of Transportation. Federal T...
2001Annual ReportPDFTech ReportFTA-TBP10-01-01Public transitRapid transitResearch projectsRail trans...
A letter report issued by the General Accounting Office with an abstract that begins "Since the earl...
Since the early 1970s, the federal government has provided a large share of the nation?s capital inv...
Testimony issued by the General Accounting Office with an abstract that begins "The Federal Transpor...
The Federal Transit Administration\u27s (FTA) discretionary New Starts program is the federal govern...
A letter report issued by the Government Accountability Office with an abstract that begins "Local f...