924248PDFTech ReportKTC-00-1EmbankmentsHighwaysSlope stabilityRisk assessmentBridge approachesEarthquakesDisaster preparednessKentuckySutterer, Kevin G.Harik, Issam E.Allen, David L.Street, RonUniversity of Kentucky Transportation CenterKentucky. Transportation CabinetUnited States. Federal Highway AdministrationNTL-HIGHWAY/ROAD TRANSPORTATION-Construction and MaintenanceUS Transportation CollectionThis report presents the findings of three independent studies under the same grant. These were (a) assess and rank highway embankments along priority routes in western Kentucky according to seismic stability, (b) assess the seismic stability of the approach embankment for the U.S. 51 Ohio River crossing near Wickliffe, Kentucky, and (c) evaluate...
Concern has grown in recent years, over the seismic activity of the New Madrid seismic zone located ...
This study represents one of the Seismic Evaluation of I-24 Bridges investigative series. The focus ...
Concern has grown in recent years over the seismic activity of the New Madrid seismic zone in Wester...
This report presents the findings of three independent studies under the same grant. These were (a) ...
726761975Final report.PDFTech ReportKTC-00-1Earthquake resistant designDesign methodsKentuckyUnivers...
PDFTech ReportKTC-07-06/SPR246-02-5FKYSPR 246SeismicityEmbankmentsParkwaysBridgesRisk assessmentRati...
PDFTech ReportKTC-06-26/SPR206-00-7FSPR206SeismicityBridgesEmbankmentsRanking (Statistics)SlopesStab...
This study represents one of the Seismic Evaluation of I-24 Bridges investigative series. The focus ...
PDFTech ReportKTC-06-20/SPR206-99-1FKYSPR206SeismicityEvaluationHighway bridgesEmbankmentsEarthquake...
This report (KTC-07-02/SPR246-02-1F) provides an overall summary on the seismic investigative study ...
Five parkways in Western Kentucky are located in the region that is greatly influenced by the New Ma...
PDFTech ReportKTC-06-22/SPR206-00-3FSPR206SeismicityRisk assessmentRanking (Statistics)EvaluationRet...
This report outlines a rating system and details an evaluation procedure for the seismic evaluation ...
This report presents the of seismic evaluation of the Ohio river bridge on US51 at Wickliffe, Kentuc...
This report presents the seismic evaluation of the US41 Southbound bridge over the Ohio River connec...
Concern has grown in recent years, over the seismic activity of the New Madrid seismic zone located ...
This study represents one of the Seismic Evaluation of I-24 Bridges investigative series. The focus ...
Concern has grown in recent years over the seismic activity of the New Madrid seismic zone in Wester...
This report presents the findings of three independent studies under the same grant. These were (a) ...
726761975Final report.PDFTech ReportKTC-00-1Earthquake resistant designDesign methodsKentuckyUnivers...
PDFTech ReportKTC-07-06/SPR246-02-5FKYSPR 246SeismicityEmbankmentsParkwaysBridgesRisk assessmentRati...
PDFTech ReportKTC-06-26/SPR206-00-7FSPR206SeismicityBridgesEmbankmentsRanking (Statistics)SlopesStab...
This study represents one of the Seismic Evaluation of I-24 Bridges investigative series. The focus ...
PDFTech ReportKTC-06-20/SPR206-99-1FKYSPR206SeismicityEvaluationHighway bridgesEmbankmentsEarthquake...
This report (KTC-07-02/SPR246-02-1F) provides an overall summary on the seismic investigative study ...
Five parkways in Western Kentucky are located in the region that is greatly influenced by the New Ma...
PDFTech ReportKTC-06-22/SPR206-00-3FSPR206SeismicityRisk assessmentRanking (Statistics)EvaluationRet...
This report outlines a rating system and details an evaluation procedure for the seismic evaluation ...
This report presents the of seismic evaluation of the Ohio river bridge on US51 at Wickliffe, Kentuc...
This report presents the seismic evaluation of the US41 Southbound bridge over the Ohio River connec...
Concern has grown in recent years, over the seismic activity of the New Madrid seismic zone located ...
This study represents one of the Seismic Evaluation of I-24 Bridges investigative series. The focus ...
Concern has grown in recent years over the seismic activity of the New Madrid seismic zone in Wester...