Intelligent Transportation Systems Benefits, Costs, and Lessons Learned 2018 Update Report


2018Final ReportPincus, MarciaPDFTech ReportFHWA-JPO-18-641DTFH61-11-D-00036BenefitsCostsIntelligent transportation systemsConnected vehiclesLessons learnedUnited StatesUnited States. Dept. of Transportation. ITS Joint Program OfficeGreer, LizFraser, Janet L.Hicks, DrennanMercer, MikeThompson, KathyNoblis, Inc.United States. Dept. of Transportation. ITS Joint Program OfficeIntelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program OfficeFederal Highway AdministrationIntelligent transportation systems (ITS) provide a proven set of strategies for advancing transportation safety, mobility, and environmental sustainability by integrating communication and information technology applications into the management and operation of the transportation system a...

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