666377932Technical transfer summaryPDFTech ReportTR-595TR-595Radio transmittersMeasuring instrumentsBridge abutmentsBridge piersFloridaIowa Institute of Hydraulic ResearchPapanicolaou, ThanosElhakeem, MohamedTsakiris, AchilleasIowa Institute of Hydraulic ResearchIowa. Highway Research BoardIowa. Dept. of TransportationNTL-HIGHWAY/ROAD TRANSPORTATION-Bridges and StructuresUS Transportation CollectionScour around the foundations (piers and abutments) of a bridge due to river flow is often referred to as \ue2\u20ac\u153bridge scour.\ue2\u20ac? Bridge scour is a problem of national scope that has dramatic impacts on economics and safety of the traveling public. Bridge scour has resulted in more bridge failures than all other causes in recent hi...
Final reportPDFTech ReportK-TRAN: KU-14-1C1978BridgesFloodsReal time informationScourStructural heal...
The focus of this presentation is on recent developments in scour monitoring technology, the lessons...
2015Final reportPDFTech ReportFHWA-SC-14-05SPR 692AccuracyBridge abutmentsBridge piersField testsMea...
666384792Final report.PDFTech ReportTR-595479TR-595Radio transmittersMeasuring instrumentsBridge abu...
Bridge scour, the erosion of stream bed materials around the bridge foundation, endangers many of th...
PDFTech ReportFHWA-PA-2009-012-PIT018CONTRACT # 510601, WORK ORDER # PIT 018ScourBridgesBridge piers...
702530581Technical Report: August 2008\uc2\ubfAugust 2010PDFTech ReportReport 0-6060-1FHWA/TX-11/0-6...
8047242000PDFTech ReportFHWA-RD-99-085DTFH61-91-Y-30036BathymetryBridgesData collectionFloodsHydraul...
2016Final ReportPDFTech ReportRITARS-12-H-MTUDeliverable 12BBridge abutmentsBridge piersChannel flow...
Bridge failure or loss of structural integrity can result from scour of riverbed sediment near bridg...
A comprehensive field detection method is proposed that is aimed at developing advanced capability f...
Pennsylvania has one of the largest number of bridges in the nation with over 22,000 bridges statewi...
"Prepared in cooperation with the Ohio Department of Transportation and the U.S. Department of Trans...
3rd International Conference on Road and Rail Infrastructure, Split, Crotia, 28 - 30 April, 2014Brid...
1999PDFTech ReportHaas, CarlWeissmann, JoseGroll, TomUniversity of Texas at Austin. Center for Trans...
Final reportPDFTech ReportK-TRAN: KU-14-1C1978BridgesFloodsReal time informationScourStructural heal...
The focus of this presentation is on recent developments in scour monitoring technology, the lessons...
2015Final reportPDFTech ReportFHWA-SC-14-05SPR 692AccuracyBridge abutmentsBridge piersField testsMea...
666384792Final report.PDFTech ReportTR-595479TR-595Radio transmittersMeasuring instrumentsBridge abu...
Bridge scour, the erosion of stream bed materials around the bridge foundation, endangers many of th...
PDFTech ReportFHWA-PA-2009-012-PIT018CONTRACT # 510601, WORK ORDER # PIT 018ScourBridgesBridge piers...
702530581Technical Report: August 2008\uc2\ubfAugust 2010PDFTech ReportReport 0-6060-1FHWA/TX-11/0-6...
8047242000PDFTech ReportFHWA-RD-99-085DTFH61-91-Y-30036BathymetryBridgesData collectionFloodsHydraul...
2016Final ReportPDFTech ReportRITARS-12-H-MTUDeliverable 12BBridge abutmentsBridge piersChannel flow...
Bridge failure or loss of structural integrity can result from scour of riverbed sediment near bridg...
A comprehensive field detection method is proposed that is aimed at developing advanced capability f...
Pennsylvania has one of the largest number of bridges in the nation with over 22,000 bridges statewi...
"Prepared in cooperation with the Ohio Department of Transportation and the U.S. Department of Trans...
3rd International Conference on Road and Rail Infrastructure, Split, Crotia, 28 - 30 April, 2014Brid...
1999PDFTech ReportHaas, CarlWeissmann, JoseGroll, TomUniversity of Texas at Austin. Center for Trans...
Final reportPDFTech ReportK-TRAN: KU-14-1C1978BridgesFloodsReal time informationScourStructural heal...
The focus of this presentation is on recent developments in scour monitoring technology, the lessons...
2015Final reportPDFTech ReportFHWA-SC-14-05SPR 692AccuracyBridge abutmentsBridge piersField testsMea...