116550542005PDFTech ReportGovernment fundingFederal aid highwaysVehicle miles of travelStatisticsKansasKansas. Dept. of TransportationKansas. Dept. of TransportationNTL-REFERENCES AND DIRECTORIES-StatisticsNTL-AVIATION-AVIATIONNTL-FREIGHT-FREIGHTNTL-HIGHWAY/ROAD TRANSPORTATION-HIGHWAY/ROAD TRANSPORTATIONNTL-PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION-PUBLIC TRANSPORTATIONNTL-PLANNING AND POLICY-Travel DemandNTL-ECONOMICS AND FINANCE-FundingUS Transportation Collection2005 SELECTED STATISTICS provides a summary of recent transportation-related data collected and reported by the Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT). Information regarding the following modes of transportation in the State of Kansas -- highways, public transit, rail, air, and water -- and the ...