This article analyses the Ndebele institution of traditional leadership in contemporary Zimbabwe. It traces the pre-colonial Ndebele traditional leadership in order to establish the changes that have occurred as well as their causes. The article highlights the importance of indigenous knowledge systems (IKS), especially in leadership which is highly controversial in Africa. Traditional leadership is the indigenous way RI OHDGHUVKLS ZKLFK FDQ LQ D JRRG ZD\ LQÃXHQFH FRQWHPSRUDU\ JRYHUQDQFH IRU WKHEHQHÀWRIWKHSHRSOH 7KHDUWLFOHWDNHVDQ$IURFHQWULFDSSURDFKZLWKDFOHDU understanding of the dynamism in culture. It then proceeds to reveal the problems (and their causes) within the traditional leadership institution in contemporary Zimbabwe. ...
This paper aims to examine the nature of indigenous African political leadership among the Luba Peop...
Traditional leadership is a contested field in social and political environments. The new, democrati...
The highly contested public law issue of the recognition of African values in South Africa with emph...
As in many other parts of sub-Saharan Africa, the institution of traditional leadership has always b...
An anthropological research paper on transformational leadership as practiced in ancient African ki...
The article is based on a research that investigated, from an applied ethnomusicological dimension,...
The topic of traditional leaders and their role has always been of great interest not only to anthro...
Abstract: The epitome of pre-colonial African history and culture is embedded within the institution...
This study was grounded on the determination of the role of traditional leaders in conflict resoluti...
This thesis deploys a transdisciplinary approach that complementarily combines organisational and so...
A position paper on the role that traditional ceremonial rulers can play in developmental programmes...
Commissioned by The Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA) in the KwaZ...
There is increasing empirical evidence that the relocation of the victims of the Tokwe-Mukosi floods...
Charismatic leadership, bridge leadership, communication and vision and leadership, decision-making ...
Copy right for this grant is held by the funding body Uongozi Institute Tanzania.The African context...
This paper aims to examine the nature of indigenous African political leadership among the Luba Peop...
Traditional leadership is a contested field in social and political environments. The new, democrati...
The highly contested public law issue of the recognition of African values in South Africa with emph...
As in many other parts of sub-Saharan Africa, the institution of traditional leadership has always b...
An anthropological research paper on transformational leadership as practiced in ancient African ki...
The article is based on a research that investigated, from an applied ethnomusicological dimension,...
The topic of traditional leaders and their role has always been of great interest not only to anthro...
Abstract: The epitome of pre-colonial African history and culture is embedded within the institution...
This study was grounded on the determination of the role of traditional leaders in conflict resoluti...
This thesis deploys a transdisciplinary approach that complementarily combines organisational and so...
A position paper on the role that traditional ceremonial rulers can play in developmental programmes...
Commissioned by The Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA) in the KwaZ...
There is increasing empirical evidence that the relocation of the victims of the Tokwe-Mukosi floods...
Charismatic leadership, bridge leadership, communication and vision and leadership, decision-making ...
Copy right for this grant is held by the funding body Uongozi Institute Tanzania.The African context...
This paper aims to examine the nature of indigenous African political leadership among the Luba Peop...
Traditional leadership is a contested field in social and political environments. The new, democrati...
The highly contested public law issue of the recognition of African values in South Africa with emph...