This article supports a comparative analysis between two Ecuadorian novels, Huasipungo (1934) by Jorge Icaza and Memorias de Andrés Chiliquinga (2013) by Carlos Arcos Cabrera, whose main objective is to establish a critical perspective on the indigenous work that Arcos shares in his novel, a suggestive story in which an indigenous leader from Otavalo moves to the USA to attend a literature seminar and finds a totally different world from the one that Icaza established at the beginning of the 20th century in his telluric novel.El presente artículo sustenta un análisis comparativo entre dos novelas ecuatorianas, Huasipungo (1934) de Jorge Icaza y Memorias de Andrés Chiliquinga (2013) de Carlos Arcos Cabrera, cuyo objeto principal es establece...