The present article studies the process of affirmation of social movements and seeks to understand the paths taken by the environmentalist movement after the return to democracy, as well as the place that it occupies more recently, with the arrival of the PT on the state and the national political arenas. This approach leads us to a reflection about the relationship between the social and political contexts and its effects on the operations of social movements. The article analyses theses questions through the study of two environmentalist groups in Sergipe: the Popular Ecological Movement (MOPEC) and the Association of Environmental Protection of Sergipe (ASPAM). It tries to assess the gains obtained by the leadership of these movements in...
Resumo Este artigo pretende mostrar como a matriz discursiva da sertanidade, ou dos dilemas do proce...
One of the most debated topics nowadays has been the human impacts on the natural environment. In th...
Este artigo relata resultados de uma pesquisa, baseada em premissas empiricistas e positivistas, que...
A evolução da política brasileira de meio ambiente ê apresentada nas perspectivas Internacional e na...
A strong distance was maintained by traditional social movements that, despite the intense circulati...
The environment as a system, Gaia theory (Lovelock), was changed by the different forms of productio...
O presente artigo é produto de pesquisa realizada na região metropolitana de João Pessoa com o objet...
O presente trabalho se insere em vertentes de estudos sobre o processo de criação de movimentos soci...
Resumo: Uma questão que sempre desafiou as organizações envolvidas no debate ambiental brasileiro é ...
Given the environmental complexity characteristic of the city of São Paulo and its environs, the pro...
With the advent of globalization and access to information, social networks came to be widely used b...
Transnational activism is still an incipient topic within the field of Social Sciences. From an anth...
Este relato é fruto de reflexões que tive na graduação em Ciências Sociais e no Mestrado Acadêmico e...
The Anthropocene period allows people to percept the human influence into the planet and pointed out...
The concept of sustainability is present in the debate about the environment since the 1970s. Howeve...
Resumo Este artigo pretende mostrar como a matriz discursiva da sertanidade, ou dos dilemas do proce...
One of the most debated topics nowadays has been the human impacts on the natural environment. In th...
Este artigo relata resultados de uma pesquisa, baseada em premissas empiricistas e positivistas, que...
A evolução da política brasileira de meio ambiente ê apresentada nas perspectivas Internacional e na...
A strong distance was maintained by traditional social movements that, despite the intense circulati...
The environment as a system, Gaia theory (Lovelock), was changed by the different forms of productio...
O presente artigo é produto de pesquisa realizada na região metropolitana de João Pessoa com o objet...
O presente trabalho se insere em vertentes de estudos sobre o processo de criação de movimentos soci...
Resumo: Uma questão que sempre desafiou as organizações envolvidas no debate ambiental brasileiro é ...
Given the environmental complexity characteristic of the city of São Paulo and its environs, the pro...
With the advent of globalization and access to information, social networks came to be widely used b...
Transnational activism is still an incipient topic within the field of Social Sciences. From an anth...
Este relato é fruto de reflexões que tive na graduação em Ciências Sociais e no Mestrado Acadêmico e...
The Anthropocene period allows people to percept the human influence into the planet and pointed out...
The concept of sustainability is present in the debate about the environment since the 1970s. Howeve...
Resumo Este artigo pretende mostrar como a matriz discursiva da sertanidade, ou dos dilemas do proce...
One of the most debated topics nowadays has been the human impacts on the natural environment. In th...
Este artigo relata resultados de uma pesquisa, baseada em premissas empiricistas e positivistas, que...