İki grup halinde yapılan deneylerde (5 ve 16 - saat) Wistar-Albino sıçanlar (200-260 gr) 5°C, 20°C, 36°C ve 42°C lerde tutularak idrarlarındaki katekolamin miktarı saptandı. Katekolamin yöntem tayini, idrardaki katekolaminleri uygun PH da alüminyum okside bağlamak ve sonra geri alarak okside edip, oksidasyon sırasında açığa çıkan fluoresans şiddetini spectrafotofluorometre'de ölçmek esasına dayanmaktadır. Bulgularımızda 5 saat 42°C lik ortamda tutulan sıçanların idrar miktarları, kontrol grubu olarak çalıştığımız 20°C lik ortamda tutulan sıçanların katekolamin miktarlarından yüksek bulundu. Aynı koşullarda 16 saat 5°C ve 42°C de tutulan sıçanların idrarlarındaki katekolamin miktarında da benzer oranda artış görüldü. Sarnıç olarak ısının, sı...
<p>A single, representative rat's responses to different stimuli under baseline conditions during a ...
International audienceIn thermal neutral condition, rats display cyclic variations of the vasomotion...
The febrile responses of Sprague-Dawley rats to semi-purified human endogenous pyrogen were studied ...
5 saat ve 16 saat süre ile 5° C, 20° C, 36° C ve 42° C de tutulan sıçanların idrarlarında katekolami...
1.暑熱(30℃, 60% r. h.)又は寒冷(10℃, 60% r. h.)環境で4週間以上飼育したWistar系の雄ラットを使用した.無麻酔-半拘束状態で環境温を20℃から30℃の範囲で10℃/...
The aim of this research was to know the heart activity of rats (Rattus norvegicus) at some environm...
Physical restraint of rodents is needed for nose-only exposure to airborne toxicants and is also use...
The aim of this research was to know the heart activity of rats (Rattus norvegicus) at some environm...
[目的]通过观察低温暴露后大鼠血压的变化,探讨肾素-血管紧张素系统(renin-angiotensin system,RAS)在其中的作用.[方法]选择6~7周龄体重200~250 g雄性SD大鼠18...
Abstracts: Change in tail skin temperature during exposure to various ambient temper-atures was stud...
Several forms of psychological stress result in a rise in body temperature in rats. In this study, w...
Darba mērķis bija noskaidrot, vai apgaismojuma krāsas temperatūra ietekmē cilvēka veģetatīvās funkci...
Experiments in this dissertation were conducted to characterize the effects of d-fenfluramine on bod...
Astrociti so najštevilčnejše celice glija v možganih. Odgovorni so za obrambo in homeostazo centraln...
The adaptation of an organism to a change in environmental conditions is a complex and in some aspec...
<p>A single, representative rat's responses to different stimuli under baseline conditions during a ...
International audienceIn thermal neutral condition, rats display cyclic variations of the vasomotion...
The febrile responses of Sprague-Dawley rats to semi-purified human endogenous pyrogen were studied ...
5 saat ve 16 saat süre ile 5° C, 20° C, 36° C ve 42° C de tutulan sıçanların idrarlarında katekolami...
1.暑熱(30℃, 60% r. h.)又は寒冷(10℃, 60% r. h.)環境で4週間以上飼育したWistar系の雄ラットを使用した.無麻酔-半拘束状態で環境温を20℃から30℃の範囲で10℃/...
The aim of this research was to know the heart activity of rats (Rattus norvegicus) at some environm...
Physical restraint of rodents is needed for nose-only exposure to airborne toxicants and is also use...
The aim of this research was to know the heart activity of rats (Rattus norvegicus) at some environm...
[目的]通过观察低温暴露后大鼠血压的变化,探讨肾素-血管紧张素系统(renin-angiotensin system,RAS)在其中的作用.[方法]选择6~7周龄体重200~250 g雄性SD大鼠18...
Abstracts: Change in tail skin temperature during exposure to various ambient temper-atures was stud...
Several forms of psychological stress result in a rise in body temperature in rats. In this study, w...
Darba mērķis bija noskaidrot, vai apgaismojuma krāsas temperatūra ietekmē cilvēka veģetatīvās funkci...
Experiments in this dissertation were conducted to characterize the effects of d-fenfluramine on bod...
Astrociti so najštevilčnejše celice glija v možganih. Odgovorni so za obrambo in homeostazo centraln...
The adaptation of an organism to a change in environmental conditions is a complex and in some aspec...
<p>A single, representative rat's responses to different stimuli under baseline conditions during a ...
International audienceIn thermal neutral condition, rats display cyclic variations of the vasomotion...
The febrile responses of Sprague-Dawley rats to semi-purified human endogenous pyrogen were studied ...