Case Presentation: A 32-year-old female with a history of untreated sarcoidosis and gastric bypass surgery with partially treated B12 deficiency in the past, was admitted for shortness of breath with a primary diagnosis of pancytopenia. Patient had not taken B12 injections for close to 2 years. Her labs were consistent with severe pancytopenia (Hemoglobin 5.4, White blood cell count 1.8, Platelets 78000) with lab evidence of massive hemolysis on peripheral smear (schistocytes) and chemistries (severely increased Lactate dehydrogenase 2377, reticulocytes 2.5% and decreased haptoglobin \u3c30). B12 levels (\u3c50) and folate levels (5.4) were severely depressed. Coombs test was negative on two separate occasions. Patient responded to packed r...