Begreppet al-mahdī är grundläggande i shīʿitisk islam. Det betyder ordagrant “den rättledde”. I den shīʿitiska tolvsekten har ordet kommit att beteckna den dolde Imamen som en dag ska återkomma för att rädda sina anhängare och återställa rättvisa på jorden – en slags messiasgestalt. Det råder nära konsensus bland forskare som sysslar med tidig islam om att den som först använde ordet al-mahdī i dess eskatologiska betydelse var den shīʿitiske rebelledaren al-Mukhtār (d. 686), när han tillämpade det på Muḥammad b. al-Ḥanafiyya, en son till ʿAlī. I föreliggande studie ifrågasätter jag denna uppfattning, och argumenterar för att det visserligen kan beläggas att Mukhtār använde titeln al-mahdī för Ibn al-Ḥanafiyya, men inte att han använde den i...
Bir Eş‘ârî ve Mâlikî fakihi olan İbn Haldûn’un ekonomiden siyasete, sosyolojiden felsefeye, tarihten...
In the Islamic world, Sunnī and Shī‘ī were the two sects that clashed between one to another, from t...
The article examines some aspects of the theoretical legacy of Abū ‘l-Ḥasan al-Māwardī, a medieval I...
Şiî cemaatlerin hicrî ilk üç asır boyunca İslâm toplumunun ana bünyesini teşkil eden ehl-i hadisten ...
Allah reveals the Quran as a guidance to those who are pious and those who are not. In Quran, there ...
traduction anglaise Travis BruceGoverning Empire is a study, accompanied by a re-edition and a Frenc...
Maslahat-ı Mürsele’ye (Public Interest) et-Tūfī- Merkezli Bir Bakış Bu araştırma, İslam Hukuku’ndaki...
The term imārat al-istilāʾ (“emirate by usurpation”)—istilāʾ for short—can be best understood by pla...
ABSTRACT: The principles of Ash’arī kalām, whose founder is Abu’l-Hasan al-Ash’arī, completed their ...
During the past century of oriental studies, the question of when and where Muslim traditions (ḥadīt...
This research is based upon a collection of generally unutilized ḥadīth literature, and is not only ...
Mukâtil b. Süleyman, Emevîler ve Abbasîler döneminde yaşamış, yaşadığı dönem içerisinde birçok eser...
Since the spread of Islam in Transoxiana (Mā-warāʾ al-Nahr), religious understandings based on the o...
Sülûkda bir şeyhin gerekli olup olmadığı yolundaki tartışmalar bilhassa VIII/XIV. asırlarda şiddetl...
Assessment the quality of ḥadīṡ is an ijtihād tradition which is carried out by experts of ḥadīṡ. Ev...
Bir Eş‘ârî ve Mâlikî fakihi olan İbn Haldûn’un ekonomiden siyasete, sosyolojiden felsefeye, tarihten...
In the Islamic world, Sunnī and Shī‘ī were the two sects that clashed between one to another, from t...
The article examines some aspects of the theoretical legacy of Abū ‘l-Ḥasan al-Māwardī, a medieval I...
Şiî cemaatlerin hicrî ilk üç asır boyunca İslâm toplumunun ana bünyesini teşkil eden ehl-i hadisten ...
Allah reveals the Quran as a guidance to those who are pious and those who are not. In Quran, there ...
traduction anglaise Travis BruceGoverning Empire is a study, accompanied by a re-edition and a Frenc...
Maslahat-ı Mürsele’ye (Public Interest) et-Tūfī- Merkezli Bir Bakış Bu araştırma, İslam Hukuku’ndaki...
The term imārat al-istilāʾ (“emirate by usurpation”)—istilāʾ for short—can be best understood by pla...
ABSTRACT: The principles of Ash’arī kalām, whose founder is Abu’l-Hasan al-Ash’arī, completed their ...
During the past century of oriental studies, the question of when and where Muslim traditions (ḥadīt...
This research is based upon a collection of generally unutilized ḥadīth literature, and is not only ...
Mukâtil b. Süleyman, Emevîler ve Abbasîler döneminde yaşamış, yaşadığı dönem içerisinde birçok eser...
Since the spread of Islam in Transoxiana (Mā-warāʾ al-Nahr), religious understandings based on the o...
Sülûkda bir şeyhin gerekli olup olmadığı yolundaki tartışmalar bilhassa VIII/XIV. asırlarda şiddetl...
Assessment the quality of ḥadīṡ is an ijtihād tradition which is carried out by experts of ḥadīṡ. Ev...
Bir Eş‘ârî ve Mâlikî fakihi olan İbn Haldûn’un ekonomiden siyasete, sosyolojiden felsefeye, tarihten...
In the Islamic world, Sunnī and Shī‘ī were the two sects that clashed between one to another, from t...
The article examines some aspects of the theoretical legacy of Abū ‘l-Ḥasan al-Māwardī, a medieval I...