Slightly elevated view of the North face of Foster Hall, looking due south. There is ambient sunlight. In the foreground, students form a 'W' on a lawn, presumably to signify Westminster College. Several people in the back and center are holding balloons, and a few others hold up banners and signs that, from left to right, read "29 FRESHMEN" (with a symbol of a W imposed over a C, again signifying Westminster College), "28", "27", "26", "FRE[…]", and "[…]LLEGE SOPHS 26". Behind them, a woman stands under a May Pole. There are tables arranged around the May Pole. To the left of the May Pole, another group is shown sitting, and to the right, a person leans up against a small tree. More people stand on balconies and in a doorway. To the far ri...