A short-lived periodical by Karl Schauerman, a graduate student attending the University of Wisconsin who disapproved of World War I. This issue, volume 1, no. 5, includes a condensed version of Senator Works' speech, "Why we are at war," given on July 21, 1917, at the Third American Conference for Democracy and Terms of Peace, arguing that the United States should have remained neutral.v T\ #7“? T " , i ‘7 - S", wr [V ,.. I)“ (4 Ten Cents a Copy Peace (Piece) D L LIB [118 H9? FIFTH S T,REET T .Cfll . (s1 J m \v KIXRIJESCPIAKJEEQDIAE§ N S L?! L /7’-b H:11; Q A THOM H E12 AIiI) EIDITTOIQ L‘NAUKEE, WIS. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Editorials: l‘nivcrsal Service—The l’sycl1ological Mon1ent.—lle is a “Brier.“ ~— Senator Lewis. Democratic Dry-Nurse. ...