Transcript (42, 39, 31 pages) of three interviews by Erik Solberg with Joel Bown on September 4 and 27, and October 25, 2007Bown (b.1946) talks about his ski mountaineering experiences that began with the Ute Alpine Club. Equipment was bought from the Deseret Industries and Vibram added to the soles of the old boots. Few people ski toured in the sixties, unlike today. Mountaineering trips included Cardiff Pass, Deseret Peak, Uintas, King's Peak, Colorado Rockies, the Tetons, and eventually south to Mazatlan or Baja. He talks about the evolution of equipment and the sport, environmental issues, the dangers of mountaineering, and what the Wasatch has to offer. He mentions canoe trips in the Tetons and British Columbia, and talks about the fri...