Uintah Stake Academy 8th GradeGraduates of 1907. The eighth grade examinations have been made uniform throughout the state and will be given may and under the direction of the state board. Their commencement exercises were given after the examinations on May 27 of that year. Seven boys and nineteen girls graduated from the Uintah Academby in 1907. N. G. Sowards was the principal and was the teacher of the eighth grade. Students identified as left to right: front row-Retta Henry, Nellie Smith, Alma Preece, joseph Glines. Second Row-Margaret Schrowin, Hulda Hardy, Mary Siddoway, Leota Eskelson, Sylvia Bodily, Myrtle Gardner. Third Row- Roy McKee, Effie Davis, Iva Manwaring, Hattie McCarrell, Essie rich. Fourth Row-Flossie Moore, Elnora Green,...