The children of Asher and Keturah Merkley in the front yard of the family home. Bryce Merkley is holding Douglas Merkley, Kathleen Merkley and Bud Merkley along with Velda Robins
Jay Merkley family are Ora Elva, Gerry and Jay Merkley, front, and Gordon and Leora Merkley, back
Bryce Merkley is the youngest son of Asher and Birda Merkley. He was born about 1934 in Vernal, Utah...
Asher Merkley with his mother, Keturah Peterson Merkley, in the yard of the family home. They are st...
Nelson and Keturah Peterson Merkley Jr.'s children are gathered at Merkley Park in 1952. Left to Rig...
The Asher Merkley family on an outing. Included are Leo Hacking, Edwin and Tamera, Leo and Virginia...
Adult children of Asher and Birda Merkley are Virginia Merkley Hacking Giles, Bryce Merkley, and Kat...
On the backlawn of the Nelson Jr. and Keturah Merkley home in Vernal, Utah are left to right: Ezra a...
Children of Nelson Jr. and Keturah P. Merkley are Asher Merkley and Margaret Jane Merkley
Asher and Birda Lewis Merkley with two children, Douglas (left) and Virginia, in front of log house ...
Standing at the head of the garden at the Asher Merkley Home on 266 North 1500 West in Vernal, Utah....
Children of George and Georgiana Blackburn Merkley are Isabell Merkley (1908), Eva Merkley (1909), E...
Ketura Merkley with her grandson, Bryce Merkley. He is the son of Asher and Birda Merkley
Joseph and Luella Merkley are pictured with their children and grandchildren. Pictured on the back ...
The family of Nelson and Keturah Merkley with their children Ezra Merkley, Helen Merkley, Mary Merkl...
Rachel Merkley Murray, Sadie Merkley Colthorp, Maria Merkley Britt, Elizabeth (Bess) Merkley Hall. N...
Jay Merkley family are Ora Elva, Gerry and Jay Merkley, front, and Gordon and Leora Merkley, back
Bryce Merkley is the youngest son of Asher and Birda Merkley. He was born about 1934 in Vernal, Utah...
Asher Merkley with his mother, Keturah Peterson Merkley, in the yard of the family home. They are st...
Nelson and Keturah Peterson Merkley Jr.'s children are gathered at Merkley Park in 1952. Left to Rig...
The Asher Merkley family on an outing. Included are Leo Hacking, Edwin and Tamera, Leo and Virginia...
Adult children of Asher and Birda Merkley are Virginia Merkley Hacking Giles, Bryce Merkley, and Kat...
On the backlawn of the Nelson Jr. and Keturah Merkley home in Vernal, Utah are left to right: Ezra a...
Children of Nelson Jr. and Keturah P. Merkley are Asher Merkley and Margaret Jane Merkley
Asher and Birda Lewis Merkley with two children, Douglas (left) and Virginia, in front of log house ...
Standing at the head of the garden at the Asher Merkley Home on 266 North 1500 West in Vernal, Utah....
Children of George and Georgiana Blackburn Merkley are Isabell Merkley (1908), Eva Merkley (1909), E...
Ketura Merkley with her grandson, Bryce Merkley. He is the son of Asher and Birda Merkley
Joseph and Luella Merkley are pictured with their children and grandchildren. Pictured on the back ...
The family of Nelson and Keturah Merkley with their children Ezra Merkley, Helen Merkley, Mary Merkl...
Rachel Merkley Murray, Sadie Merkley Colthorp, Maria Merkley Britt, Elizabeth (Bess) Merkley Hall. N...
Jay Merkley family are Ora Elva, Gerry and Jay Merkley, front, and Gordon and Leora Merkley, back
Bryce Merkley is the youngest son of Asher and Birda Merkley. He was born about 1934 in Vernal, Utah...
Asher Merkley with his mother, Keturah Peterson Merkley, in the yard of the family home. They are st...