journal articleAlong Raven Ridge in Uintah County, Utah, exposures of the Green River Formation contain a complex sequence of intertonguing beds of sandstone, shale, limestone, and marlstone. These strata are considered to represent deposition in an orderly sequence of environments from the flood plain through the lake margin and stream deltas into the quiet waters offshore. The area is a model for the study of facies sequences that are less readily apparent in the subsurface. The importance of these facies to the economic entrapment of oil is reflected in the many oil-saturated and stained sandstone beds in the outcrop. The position of these oil-bearing strata bears a strong relationship to paleoenvironments along the margin of Lake Uintah...
reportAn integrated detailed sedimentologic, stratigraphic, and geochemical study of Utah's Green Ri...
Strata of Tertiary age in the Uinta Basin were deposited in an internally drained depression. They c...
reportResources of potential oil in place in the Green River Formation are measured and estimated fo...
During the earliest 40% of Tertiary time, from about 65 to 40 million years ago, much of the Uinta B...
reportThe area of this report is in the northeastern part of the Uinta Basin of northeastern Utah an...
presentationDescription of the upper Green River Formation has been largely based on outcrop exposur...
BookDouglas Creek arch in western Colorado and eastern Utah separates the Uinta and Piceance Creek b...
An integrated detailed sedimentologic, stratigraphic, and geochemical study of Utah's Green River Fo...
journal articleThe Greater Red Wash area is the largest oil and gas field in the Uinta Basin. The Do...
reportOil-impregnated sandstone beds underlie at least 214 square miles in the southeastern Uinta Ba...
reportNear surface, oil-impregnated rock deposits in Utah are estimated to contain as much as 29 bil...
reportA reconnaissance survey of tributaries to Nine Mile and Argyle canyons in the southern Uinta B...
Includes bibliographical references.Includes illustrations and maps.The Green River Formation consis...
reportDue to the recent increase in crude oil prices and concerns over diminishing conventional rese...
reportThis report characterizes the potential oil-shale resources underlying those lands west of the...
reportAn integrated detailed sedimentologic, stratigraphic, and geochemical study of Utah's Green Ri...
Strata of Tertiary age in the Uinta Basin were deposited in an internally drained depression. They c...
reportResources of potential oil in place in the Green River Formation are measured and estimated fo...
During the earliest 40% of Tertiary time, from about 65 to 40 million years ago, much of the Uinta B...
reportThe area of this report is in the northeastern part of the Uinta Basin of northeastern Utah an...
presentationDescription of the upper Green River Formation has been largely based on outcrop exposur...
BookDouglas Creek arch in western Colorado and eastern Utah separates the Uinta and Piceance Creek b...
An integrated detailed sedimentologic, stratigraphic, and geochemical study of Utah's Green River Fo...
journal articleThe Greater Red Wash area is the largest oil and gas field in the Uinta Basin. The Do...
reportOil-impregnated sandstone beds underlie at least 214 square miles in the southeastern Uinta Ba...
reportNear surface, oil-impregnated rock deposits in Utah are estimated to contain as much as 29 bil...
reportA reconnaissance survey of tributaries to Nine Mile and Argyle canyons in the southern Uinta B...
Includes bibliographical references.Includes illustrations and maps.The Green River Formation consis...
reportDue to the recent increase in crude oil prices and concerns over diminishing conventional rese...
reportThis report characterizes the potential oil-shale resources underlying those lands west of the...
reportAn integrated detailed sedimentologic, stratigraphic, and geochemical study of Utah's Green Ri...
Strata of Tertiary age in the Uinta Basin were deposited in an internally drained depression. They c...
reportResources of potential oil in place in the Green River Formation are measured and estimated fo...