thesisThe Milford Flat Quadrangle and the Old Moscow Mine are located in the Star District of the eastern half of Beaver County, Utah. A. Milford Flat Quadrangle Sedimentary and igneous rocks occupy the northwestern corner of the Milford Flat Quadrangle; the remainder of the Quadrangle is alluvium. Sedimentary rocks, exclusive of the alluvium, range in age from Pennsylvanian to Jurassic. The Pennsylvanian rocks are represented by the Talisman Quartzite. The Permian age is represented by the Toroweap Formation and Kaibab Limestone. The Triassic rocks are represented by the Moenkopi Formation, Shinarump Conglomerate, and the Chinle Formation. The Navajo Sandstone represents the Jurassic age. The Milford Flat granodiorite stock and a number...