Volume5/2004_December20PULSE December 20, 2004 UNIVERSITY OF UTAH HEALTH SCIENCES CENTER Larry Jung August L. 'Larry' Jung, M.D., Honored With Endowed Chair In His Name August L. (Larry) Jung, M.D., who established Utah's first newborn intensive care unit ( NBICU) more than three I decades ago, recently was recog-nized at a program announcing I the August L. ( Larry) Jung, M. D., Presidential Endowed Chair in the Division of Neonatology. The pediatrics department endowed the chair, which a physician will be selected to hold, with $ 1.25 million. Jung, professor of pediatrics in the Division of Neonatology, not only trained the first generation of neonatologists but also established neonatal care units throughout the Intermountain West, acco...