Volume5/2003_April02PULSE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH HEALTH SCIENCES CENTER Onlookers gave a cheer as the red ribbon at the Emergency Center entrance was cut March 28, marking the opening of U Hospital's new George S. and Dolores Dore Eccles Critical Care Pavilion. The ribbon- cutting was preceded by a program that featured U President Bernie Machen; A. Lorris Betz, M. D., Ph. D., senior vice president for health sciences and dean of the medical school; Rick Fullmer, UH executive director; Lt. Gov. Olene Walker; and honored donors Spencer F. Eccles of the George S. and Dolores Dore Eccles Foundation and William H. Child, chief executive officer of R. C. Willey Home Furnishings. The $ 42.5 million project, the hospital's first expansion in more than...