Volume5/1990_August15PULSE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH HEALTH SCIENCES CENTER August 15, 1990 Yoshie Okimoto No. 1 Staffer in August! You'd never guess she works with Medicaid forms all day. Yoshie Okimoto, August's employee of the month, is fun- loving, warm and energetic. Behind Okimoto's genteel manner, softened by a charming Japanese accent, is a rugged individualist who knows when and where to speak her mind. " I express my feelings- come out and say what I feel," she says. This straightforward approach, she feels, works well in the office, where she says, too often, people complain or gripe rather than talking things over with co- workers or supervisors. Okimoto- or Yoyo as friends call her- believes in individual responsi-bility. " You can't...