Congenital Nystagmus; Horizontal Jerk Nystagmus; Optokinetic Nystagmus Absent; Infantile Nystagmus SyndromeEyes jump aroundThis 14 year old boy was born one month premature weighing 6 pounds 5 ounces. The top of his head failed to close until age 6. In addition he had only half a clavicle and stunted growth. Diagnosis: Cleidocranial dysostosis. He was referred by his endocrinologist for evaluation of difficulty reading and his "eyes jump around". Jason was noted to have spontaneous movements of his eyes when he was quite small, and his mother commented that his eyes tended to oscillate when he was tired but she is now more aware of the eyes jiggling in the past year and felt it might be getting worse. Three years ago he was examine...