Paraneoplastic Opsoclonus/Flutter

  • Shirley H. Wray, M.D., Ph.D., FRCP, Professor of Neurology Harvard Medical School, Director, Unit for Neurovisual Disorders, Massachusetts General Hospital
Publication date
January 1975
Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library, University of Utah


Opsoclonus; Ocular FlutterOscillopsiaIn 1975 this patient presented with oscillopsia due to opsoclonus with ocular flutter. Opsoclonus with flutter is a paraneoplastic syndrome associated with occult cancer of the breast, ovary and lung. This patient had cancer of the breast. In 1954 Cogan first used the term "ocular flutter" to describe a rare disorder of horizontal eye movements characterized by rapid bursts of synchronous back-to-back horizontal oscillatory movements usually seen in the primary position of gaze. Since then, there have been over 50 reports, usually single cases or small series, linking the phenomenon to a wide variety of brainstem and cerebellar conditions, e.g. post enteroviral infection, cerebral malaria, cyclos...

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