Involuntary multidirectional saccades- myoclonus-ataxia: an opsoclonusmyoclonus-ataxia syndrome variant and a new pattern of saccadic intrusion

  • François Evoy
Publication date
January 2017
Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library, University of Utah


Opsoclonus are involuntary, arrhythmic, chaotic, multidirectional saccades without intersaccadic intervals. Opsoclonus-myoclonusataxia syndrome (OMS) consist of opsoclonus, myoclonic jerks of the limbs and trunk, cerebellar ataxia and encephalopathy. The pathophysiology is not clearly understood. The two plausible hypotheses are: 1) a dysfunction of omnipause cells or 2) a malfunction of Purkinje cells and their inhibitory projection to the fastigial nucleus. In studies, inactivation of fastigial nucleus produces saccadic overshoot dysmetria with intervals between saccades

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