u Volume 10, Number 3 oi. Summer 21)01) NEWSLETTER Reconstruction of John Muir\u27s First Public Lecture, Sacramento, 1876 by Steve Pauly, Pleasant Hill, California WEditor\u27s Note: This is Part IV of Steve Pauly\u27s article recreating John Muir\u27s first public talk; the earlier parts appeared in 1999 issues.) OSEMITE CREEK GLACIER The broad, many-fountained glacier to which the basin of Yosemite Creek belonged, was about fourteen miles in BSngth by four in width, and in many places was not less than a ^thousand feet in depth. Its principal tributaries issued from lofty .iphitheatres laid well back among the northern spurs of the ifloffmann range. These at first pursued a westerly course; then, Sihiting with each other and absorbing a ...