644 THE PASSES OF THE, SIERRA. — THE PASSES OF THE SIERRA. /The sustained grandeur of the California 1 iftips. is forcibly illustrated by the fact that, | \u27throughout their whole extent, there is not a single pass lower than\u27pooo feet above the ; level of the sea. In a distance of 140 miles, J between Latitude 360 20\u27 and 380, the low-\u27, ,, jest I have yet found exceeds 9,000 feet, and:, s~j\the average height of all that are in use is, I perhaps, not far from ii,ooo \j-ti-tA ~ THE PASSES OF THE SIERRA. 645 4 J his way across the range almost everywhere, -•and at any time of year To him nearly every notch between the peaks is a pass, though much patieiit step-cutting is at times required up and down steeply inclined glaciers, a...