Decaying in decent & wholesome beauty the brown crumbling pillars dissolving melting [wild] soil. Clad in [livery/living] green velvet moss & with few ribes & rubus bushes & Oxalis. Swamps [here & there] small with Leersia Skunk Cabbage [rubus speciosa/Ribes speciosum] etc salmon [hering]. The dry [margins] with red huckleberry in abundance & dewberries. In the lower woods are a few prairies gravelly stony places.
Mrs. J.B. Kernahan
15 much water action going on beneath the gl sheet or at least at the breaking up of it. That the s...
33 Perfect Drawing Tablet
Decaying in decent & wholesome beauty the brown crumbling pillars dissolving melting [wild] soil. Cl...
Sculpture seen going on clearly on S side Rainier, but few spots glaciated polished however fresh so...
When the better drainage has rendered the roads exposed to the destruction of fire. Foot 1490 Basalt...
Forests. Sagey plains & meads. Beyond Ellensburg utter desolation of lava. The R.R. follows the win...
Seattle Aug. 25 11 P.M. So on [Grant] the Alaska for Tacoma- arrive 6 A.M. 26th Start for Spokane F...
[These/Thus] beautiful parks are formed the trees tracing the drier ridge tops & gravelly spots wind...
Aug, [17], [ ] Excursion to Rainier & notes on Puget Sound. Elizabeth Buell Averel...
Besides the larger plants named there are beautiful beds of saxifrages one with white [close] [spike...
Bryanthus 3 [spurs/spires], one with purple bulbs-one pink 2 spotted with-dark purple & loose calyx ...
[Frowney] headlands. Cut in bold fronts, crush
[that] falls silent upon them palms. Filtered thro these it falls again to the ferns (Aspidium lonch...
Mrs. J.B. Kernahan
15 much water action going on beneath the gl sheet or at least at the breaking up of it. That the s...
33 Perfect Drawing Tablet
Decaying in decent & wholesome beauty the brown crumbling pillars dissolving melting [wild] soil. Cl...
Sculpture seen going on clearly on S side Rainier, but few spots glaciated polished however fresh so...
When the better drainage has rendered the roads exposed to the destruction of fire. Foot 1490 Basalt...
Forests. Sagey plains & meads. Beyond Ellensburg utter desolation of lava. The R.R. follows the win...
Seattle Aug. 25 11 P.M. So on [Grant] the Alaska for Tacoma- arrive 6 A.M. 26th Start for Spokane F...
[These/Thus] beautiful parks are formed the trees tracing the drier ridge tops & gravelly spots wind...
Aug, [17], [ ] Excursion to Rainier & notes on Puget Sound. Elizabeth Buell Averel...
Besides the larger plants named there are beautiful beds of saxifrages one with white [close] [spike...
Bryanthus 3 [spurs/spires], one with purple bulbs-one pink 2 spotted with-dark purple & loose calyx ...
[Frowney] headlands. Cut in bold fronts, crush
[that] falls silent upon them palms. Filtered thro these it falls again to the ferns (Aspidium lonch...
Mrs. J.B. Kernahan
15 much water action going on beneath the gl sheet or at least at the breaking up of it. That the s...
33 Perfect Drawing Tablet