96 Alt [altitude] bench 500 Alt [altitude] first Big Pine on trail to Up [Upper] Fall 1000 Height 1100 ft 3 pieces gl [glacier] polished rock dir [direction] 50° from dir [direction] of greatest descent Largest 1 sq yd [square yard] Moraine boulders on left side of 2nd day Beaut [beautiful] snow fall 15 before 5 pm from shoulder towards Mirror Lake Also in morning over Sentinel front [Sent] [K] Most noble of all [ava] [on] Gl Pt [Glacier Point] gliding down curve & into forest with long backflowing hair Noble mien & voice 1st day 9 am Slope 30° from [ ] last [array] foot up portion of Slope from [Sunny] [Sunnyside] to top Yo Pt [Yosemite Point] 60° 97 hissing rushing gurgling that was not music I was disenchanted & realized [my] the situ...