Before leaving Chilcat climbed the mountain back of the vil[lage] to a height of 3000 ft. Found the Wil. Spruce at this height considerably dwarfed with Mew and Merten sp[ruce], the tallest about 20 ft., 16 inches dia. Saw stragglers higher, say at 4,000. This mountain terminates in a noble dome broken away on the N. Spotless white, 5500 ft. h[igh]. Tall grass all the way as far as I went, which burns now and then, killing most of the timber. Saw many fire-killed spots further south 30 ms. This climate is evidently drier than towards Wrangel, where the woods never burn. The potatoes here tell of more sunshine. Birch and two-leaved pine common, also wild rose, the hips of which are eaten entire like berries, seeds and all. A wooden ...