though these places are not very extensive and are soon reforested. Observed many reforested areas from half a mile to ten miles square. Indians under slight shelter from the rain selling curiositied. Good humored. Smiling. No longer blackened faces. Sitka, Aug 12th. Robins on the beach with crows. At home as if on apple trees around New England villages or on the High Sierra Glacier meadows. Fine timber in the boom at the mill gathered and towed by a small steamer from coves easy of access. Log-Sitka spruce 123 feet long 2 ft. in diameter is small limb 4 feet at the butt. 120 feet long 2 ½ diameter - 4 ft. 2 inches butt 325 years old Log 4 ft. 9 inches in diamtered, 302 years, and another one 5 ft. 3 in in diameter. The last measu...