February 11. The Hermitage a good rest place as well as a central home for mountain climbers, clean and well conducted in every way, situated at the head of the main valley at the base of Mt Cook, on moraine [at] near point of confluence of the Mueller, Hooker and Tasman glaciers. Alpine in all features except vegetation, which is unlike any other I have seen in contact with glaciers and icy torrents on moraine and moraine soil. Instead of the dwarf spruce, pine, familiar heathworts, saxifrages etc., [we found] Phyllocladus, Dacrydium, Olearia [species] and beech trees (dwarf, prostrate or erect in sheltered spots). One of the most interesting of the trees or bushes is the grass tree, Dracophyllum longifolium, another is a Senecio sp. with ...