64 Trunk [colorless] How [solemn] the [hush] the [rest]—not a [squirrel] noted now, every one at [home] motionless, all [their] lightning-[filled] limbs as they lie sleeping in a [rolled] ball are [wrapt] about with their tails for warmth, The dew is falling the violets & daisies are drinking [the dew]. Not a breath stirs the [innumerable] [plumes] of fir; * go out in this latest [twilight] on the mead [meadow] & see [even] the [airy] [panicles] of agrostis are [scarce] [moving]. Yet the heart of nature is still beating [still] Now the grand architecture of the forest is seen in all its grandeur, in the day light [we] [see] too much, but all is [massed] now, & the [spires] & [towers] shoot up to the gray sky along the meadow, wh [which] lik...