n go home, with a housekeeper, (the Jap boy had long since departed,) and a companion from Martinez, I was sick and miserable. \u27At this time lumps slowly developed on ritos on tooth sides where the pleurisy had toeen so long. Papa was distracted and did\u27nt know what to do, when Mr,Keith advised Papa take me to Dr. Herbert Moffitt in San Francisco and have Xrays taken. This he did, and after the diognosis of affected spots in both lungs, and a J&sSSgMfcttfimwHF. tubercular growth on the ritos, I was told the best thing I could do was tas spend about two years somewhere on the desert. Poor Papa, up to then he just could\u27nt believe I had T B , and even then he would say when telling friends about my illness, She is recovering from ...