Routes tunisiennes de l’échange marchand : géographie post-révolution d’un réseau de marchés mondialisés

  • Doron, Adrien
Publication date
July 2018


This thesis focuses on the making of globalized trade routes in Tunisia, based on the study of the supply of marketplaces that are specialized in the so-called “parallel trade”. These marketplaces are located at the end of transnational trade routes which import everyday consumer products in the country. First, it proceeds on the basis that transnational trade economy in Tunisia is organized as a labile network. This network articulates marketplaces, including those located in Central Tunis and in Ben Gardane, two trading hubs that have emerged from local and territorialized processes. Starting from these places makes it possible to highlight the professional trajectories of their tradesmen, and to demonstrate how the latter have developed ...

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