Oraclum Intelligence Systems (OIS) tvrtka je koja koristi podatke s društvenih medija i analizira te informacije u svrhu predviđanja izbornih rezultata. Tvrtka je uspješno prognozirala ishode Brexita i predsjedničkih izbora u SAD-u. Upravo su analitičari ove tvrtke ispravno predvidjeli rezultate u gotovo svim oscilirajućim saveznim državama (Pensilvanija, Florida, Sjeverna Karolina i Ohio), pa čak i predvidjeli da bi Hillary Clinton mogla osvojiti više glasova, ali izgubiti izborne elektore. U članku je predstavljena studija slučaja njihovog uspješnog i vrlo točnog predviđanja rezultata Brexita i Trumpove pobjede, te se u članku objašnjava kako je tvrtka koristila velike podatke u istraživanjima i zašto su njihove metode istraživanja bile u...
The contemporary world has witnessed technological advances, such as Online Social Networks (OSN), w...
In addressing the challenge of Big Data Analytics, what has been of notable significance is the anal...
The focus of the research study was analyses of impacting factors and later to incorporate...
Nowoczesne technologie informacyjne znacznie zmieniły obecne rozumienie prywatności i przestrzeni os...
The primary objective of this research study is to review and analyze the published literature regar...
The aim of this paper is to propose an alternate way to conduct elections by highlighting the fundam...
The aim of this article is to describe and analyze the possibilities of using Big Data techniques (c...
Tematem pracy jest próba podejścia do problematyki analizy big data w kontekście kampanii Donalda Tr...
Namen diplomske naloge je podrobneje preučiti uporabo velikega podatkovja. Zanima nas, kakšen vpliv ...
Big data is changing political campaigns all around the world. In this project we will be discussing...
Maģistra darba tēma ir “Lielo datu tehnoloģiju, mākslīgā intelekta ietekme uz demokrātiju: ASV gadīj...
The purpose of this research study is to analyze how we use voter polls to predict elections and to ...
Has the rise of data-intensive science, or ‘big data’, revolutionized our ability to predict? Does i...
Praca ta została napisana w celu zbadania konsekwencji jakie szeroko rozumiany marketing oparty na b...
The contemporary world has witnessed technological advances, such as Online Social Networks (OSN), w...
In addressing the challenge of Big Data Analytics, what has been of notable significance is the anal...
The focus of the research study was analyses of impacting factors and later to incorporate...
Nowoczesne technologie informacyjne znacznie zmieniły obecne rozumienie prywatności i przestrzeni os...
The primary objective of this research study is to review and analyze the published literature regar...
The aim of this paper is to propose an alternate way to conduct elections by highlighting the fundam...
The aim of this article is to describe and analyze the possibilities of using Big Data techniques (c...
Tematem pracy jest próba podejścia do problematyki analizy big data w kontekście kampanii Donalda Tr...
Namen diplomske naloge je podrobneje preučiti uporabo velikega podatkovja. Zanima nas, kakšen vpliv ...
Big data is changing political campaigns all around the world. In this project we will be discussing...
Maģistra darba tēma ir “Lielo datu tehnoloģiju, mākslīgā intelekta ietekme uz demokrātiju: ASV gadīj...
The purpose of this research study is to analyze how we use voter polls to predict elections and to ...
Has the rise of data-intensive science, or ‘big data’, revolutionized our ability to predict? Does i...
Praca ta została napisana w celu zbadania konsekwencji jakie szeroko rozumiany marketing oparty na b...
The contemporary world has witnessed technological advances, such as Online Social Networks (OSN), w...
In addressing the challenge of Big Data Analytics, what has been of notable significance is the anal...
The focus of the research study was analyses of impacting factors and later to incorporate...