Rabbit meat sector value chain

  • Baviera Puig, Maria Amparo
  • Buitrago Vera, Juan Manuel
  • Escribá Pérez, Carmen
  • Montero-Vicente, L.
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Publication date
March 2017
Universitat Politecnica de Valencia


[EN] The aim of this research was to study the cuniculture industry in Spain, according to the Food Value Chain model, and analyse what its main operators are. Four components were identified in the rabbit meat production chain: input suppliers, producers, abattoirs and cutting plants and distribution. Distribution can follow 2 paths, the traditional channel and the modern or large-scale distribution channel. Rabbit feed, which represents the main input for producers, is a minority product, especially when compared to feeds formulated for other livestock species, as its manufacture calls for specialist companies. Rabbit production is linked to the rural environment and constitutes a significant economic option, not only for farms but also f...

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