Several methods have been proposed for synthesizing computer communication protocol specifications from service specifications. Some protocol synthesis methods based on the finite state machine (FSM) model assume that primitives in the service specifications cannot be executed simultaneously. Others either handle only controlled primitive concurrency or have tight restrictions on the applicable FSM topologies. As a result, these synthesis methods are not applicable to an interesting variety of inherently concurrent applications, such as the Internet and mobile communication systems. This paper proposes a concurrent-based protocol synthesis method that eliminates the restrictions imposed by the earlier methods. The proposed method uses a syn...
Manually synthesizing specifications for concurrent and distributed communication protocol entities ...
This investigation considers the use of formal specification in achieving demonstrably correct progr...
A complete communication system is broken down into a number of protocol layers each of which provid...
Several methods have been proposed for synthesizing computer communication protocol specifications f...
Abstract: Several methods have been proposed for synthesizing communication protocol specifications ...
Abstract:- Several methods have been proposed for synthesizing computer communication protocol speci...
Communication protocol design consists essentially of the construction of interacting protocol entit...
We propose a specification model and present a method to algorithmically derive a protocol specifica...
Distributed protocols, typically expressed as stateful agents communicating asynchronously over buff...
Communications Networks consist of layers where each layer provides a service to the layer above. A ...
Synthesizing specifications for real time applications that involve distributed communication protoc...
Abstract. Scenarios, or Message Sequence Charts, offer an intuitive way of describing the desired be...
The service specification ss(P ) of a protocol P defines the services provided by the protocol and i...
The problem of designing a correct real-time protocol is a challenging task and has led researchers ...
Protocol synthesis is used to derive a specication of a distributed system called a protocol speci-c...
Manually synthesizing specifications for concurrent and distributed communication protocol entities ...
This investigation considers the use of formal specification in achieving demonstrably correct progr...
A complete communication system is broken down into a number of protocol layers each of which provid...
Several methods have been proposed for synthesizing computer communication protocol specifications f...
Abstract: Several methods have been proposed for synthesizing communication protocol specifications ...
Abstract:- Several methods have been proposed for synthesizing computer communication protocol speci...
Communication protocol design consists essentially of the construction of interacting protocol entit...
We propose a specification model and present a method to algorithmically derive a protocol specifica...
Distributed protocols, typically expressed as stateful agents communicating asynchronously over buff...
Communications Networks consist of layers where each layer provides a service to the layer above. A ...
Synthesizing specifications for real time applications that involve distributed communication protoc...
Abstract. Scenarios, or Message Sequence Charts, offer an intuitive way of describing the desired be...
The service specification ss(P ) of a protocol P defines the services provided by the protocol and i...
The problem of designing a correct real-time protocol is a challenging task and has led researchers ...
Protocol synthesis is used to derive a specication of a distributed system called a protocol speci-c...
Manually synthesizing specifications for concurrent and distributed communication protocol entities ...
This investigation considers the use of formal specification in achieving demonstrably correct progr...
A complete communication system is broken down into a number of protocol layers each of which provid...