Introduction by the Publisher pg. vii Letter of Welcome from Governor Martin pg. ix Florida--A Pen Picture by William Jennings Bryan pg. xi The Story of Florida by Edwin D. Lambright pg. xv A Great State in the Making by Richard H. Edmonds pg. xvii The Future of Florida by Roger W. Babson pg. xix Keep the Crooks out of Florida by William C. Freeman pg. xxvi Expect Great Things of Florida by Gilbert M.L. Johnson pg. xxviii The Schools of Florida by Dr. A.A. Murphree pg. xxx The Real Estate and Tax Systems of Florida by Karl Lehman and John S. Masek pg. xxxi The Waterways of Florida by Frank Whitman pg. xxxiii The Railways of Florida by Frank Whitman pg. xxxvii Florida Citrus Organization by L.M. Rhodes pg. xlv...